TSSR - Explosion-proof
A specially designed TSSR for taff on
M-Coating Touch-screen

The HERMES Team has the hit of the show at IFATread on
Brochure M-Coating

Contact us
HERMES Technologie Ltd.
Tel: +44 790 89 62 521
Fax: +49 2304 9712344

- Complete more than 10 manholes a day
- Easy set up
- Can be used for injection grouting
- wet-spraying
- pipe lining
- Jointing
- High pressure cleaning
- Any diameter and depth possible
- Quality hand assurance handbook
- All-in-one system (available in Van)
- Based on the principle of ensuring an easy and safe working environment.
- No-man-entry to manhole
- Training given by Hermes Technologie
M-Coating –centrifugal Spraylining
Procedure for renovating a manhole shaft using ERGELIT Mortar
M-Coating is a innovative renovation technique for both round and rectangular drainage shafts from 500mm to 1200mm. It is based on over 15 years of the Hermes company’s experience. Using this centrifuge spray technique, walls of shafts up to 10 metres deep can be coated to a realistic thickness. All the necessary equipment is contained within a specially designed, rugged, covered trailer. If required, special versions are available (e.g. for the Hächler system).
M-Coating’s fully automated functionality means that there is no human involvement inside the shaft itself, making both a massive contribution to health and safety and for more efficient shaft renovation. Patented systems like the TSSR and the HDS jet allow effective rehabilitation to be carried out from ground level.
Areas of Application
- TSSR high pressure manhole cleaning system
- Automatic manhole coating
- Injection sealing with ERGELIT-KBi
- Wetspraying
- Horizontal pipe spray relining

Brief description
Cleaning process with TSSR
For the essential cleaning of the shaft walls before any spray-coating takes place, the M-Coating trailer is equipped with a specially designed cleaning nozzle (TSSR) with a 280 bar (working pressure) high pressure water pump.

This TSSR is introduced into the shaft by way of a swinging boom which is set up at the rear of the trailer, and an electric winch. The nozzles of the TSSR can be adjusted to suit any diameter shaft from 500 to 1100 mm, at a regular but short distance from the surface to be cleaned. The arm holding the jets is controlled by an electric motor. The result is even, thorough and efficient cleaning. It is no longer necessary to give the walls a final cleaning by hand.
Automatic Coating control
The operation can be carried out successfully by remote control or automatically. The M-Coating system is now equipped with a new system which enables the operator to set the Coating process on automatic. This means the system will automatically measure the depth of the manhole and calculate how much mortar and time is required to apply a coat of for example 10mm. Once the system is set on automatic the system will start the mixer, pump and sprayhead. Therefore, the operator only has to refill the mixer and wait until the programed thickness is achieved.
When coating with ERGELIT dry mortar, the technical instructions must be respected. The M-Coating system is specially designed in conjunction with ERGELIT dry mortar and not for other types.
An integrated generator supplies all components with power. All electrical items are controlled and safety-regulated from a central switchboard. Insulation panels dampen excess noise. Integral ventilators take care of air-supply, air-evacuation and removal of exhaust gases. Lighting is included to enable work to continue after dark. The M-Coating trailer is equipped with all necessary items for workplace security as well as operator safety. The trailer itself runs on a comfortable in-line set of tyres. It can take a load of 600 kg of ERGELIT dry mortar, bringing the over-all weight to 2.5 tons.